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Community Hub Community Guidelines

Prohibitions, restrictions and conditions of use, for all game chats, channels, social media

  1. Excessive profanity and inappropriate language is not welcome. The censor filter is not an excuse to break the existing game and chat rules, and excessive profanity will still be sanctioned.
  2. Typing in such a way to bypass the censor filter is prohibited.
  3. Insults, personal attacks, abuse or harassment are not tolerated on any level.
  4. Derogatory comments based on race, nationality, religion, culture, sex, or sexual preference are prohibited.
  5. Allusion of racial or national supremacy, as well as discriminative propaganda on any level is prohibited.
  6. Spamming or posting nonsensical messages is prohibited. This also includes excessive use of caps, as well as excessive posting of battle results.
  7. Begging/Soliciting in any form is prohibited in all game chats and channels. Begging/Soliciting includes but is not limited to: requesting users to transfer real money to the virtual wallet, asking for additional credits, and requests to transfer game gold.
  8. All types of ads for sale, exchange, or other options for the transfer of accounts from one user to another violate EULA and are prohibited in all channels.
  9. Distribution of user’s personal information without their consent is prohibited.
  10. Slandering users or posting false information about users in all game chats and channels is prohibited.
  11. Attempting to extort information from users, including information necessary for the use of their account is prohibited.
  12. Discussion on, or linking to illegal activities, such as illicit drugs, is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the linking of, or discussion on, websites dedicated to vulgar, racist, abusive, illegal, or any other content prohibited by the EULA, or linking to the resources that contain such advertisement or content.
  13. Discussion on, or linking to unreleased content, cheats, hacks, Trojan horses, or malicious programs is prohibited. If you suspect that a cheat or hack exists or have any other problems or concerns on these topics, provide the necessary information to technical support.
  14. Discussion on, advertising of, or linking to websites, in relation to the selling of gold, credits, promotional codes, leveling services, or game accounts is prohibited.
  15. Threats of destroying allied player vehicles as well as the threats of disclosure of ally positions to enemies, regardless of whether the threat was carried out, or not, are prohibited.
  16. Death threats and other threats of violence in real life, directed either against individual users, Wargaming employees, Wargaming partners or admins, are prohibited.
  17. All types of advertising messages are prohibited. With the exception that World of Tanks Modern Armor-related advertising such as platoon forming, company recruiting, clan recruiting is permitted so long as the other rules are abided by.
  18. Mentioning and discussing of other games is permitted, but it should be discontinued if the character of the discussion turns into at a direct promotion of another gaming project.
  19. Discussion of social, religious, political, illegal or other controversial topics that may create offense is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to negative portrayal of religious and political figures is prohibited.
  20. Discussion of decisions or sanctions made by Game Masters or Administration in all game chats and channels is prohibited.
  21. Any kind of provocations for other players to violate the EULA as well as additions to it is strictly prohibited.
  22. Any statements or other actions that violate any applicable laws or regulations are strictly prohibited and will be strongly suppressed.
  23. Any attempt to create nicknames, groups, or organized communities of players associated in any fashion with organizations which violate any applicable laws or regulations is prohibited. This includes but not limited to, direct or indirect references to Nazi symbols, abbreviations and well known leaders.
  24. The use of copyrighted, trademarked, patented, classified, or restricted material or information and the violation of any rights of any party, including rights of privacy or publicity is prohibited.

Names (User Names), Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures & Clan logos

Certain content for user names, avatars, images/video, signatures & clan logos, have no place on our community channels or within the Game, due to their extremely offensive, annoying or inappropriate nature. The following list is only a summary, but it gives some idea of names, images, signatures, avatars and clan logos which are not accepted in the World of Tanks Modern Armor channels:

User Names, Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures & Clan logos ….

  1. that contain profanity, including its abbreviated form.
  2. that contain insults, personal attacks, abuse or harassment.
  3. that contain unprintable words or abbreviations.
  4. which either in whole or partly contain copyrighted or registered trade mark elements.
  5. which have (in any way) racist or nationalistic implications which may create offense to a certain nation, ethnic, religious or racial group.
  6. that contain an allusion of racial or national supremacy, as well as discriminative propaganda on any level.
  7. which contain insults or derogatory comments based on race, nationality, religion, culture, mental stature, sex, or sexual preference
  8. which have an association with sexuality, pedophilia, sexual abuse; or have an offensive connection to the human body or bodily functions.
  9. which contain nudity, sexually explicit material or content that is otherwise deemed inappropriate.
  10. which contain excessive gore or violence, or are obscene/vulgar.
  11. which make reference to addictive or illegal substances or their use, or any other illegal activities.
  12. that contain Logotypes, symbols, emblems or figures connected in one way or another with organizations, that violate or were violating existing laws and rules; i.e. anything that may provoke strong negative reaction/association or promote national/ethnic/religious hatred. (For example, using different variations of Nazi symbolic, abridgments and signs [88, 14, 420, SS], or similar stylizing [such as, 55] as well as credentials, names and surnames of Nazi leaders.)
  13. that contain reference to current mainstream religions that may create offense, i.e. names such as God, Jesus, Allah, etc.
  14. that are connected with negative historical or political personalities, first of all those who are judged by international courts for crimes against humanity, those that generally arouse feelings of suffering or disgust in the majority of people, as well as members of currently existing terrorist organizations;
  15. that negatively portrays World of Tanks Modern Armor, Wargaming staff, or administration.
  16. which in any other manner violates the End User License Agreement or local laws…….. either implicitly or explicitly are prohibited (This also contains links to websites containing the above).

If names (player or clan), avatars, signatures, images/video, clan logos within the forums or within the game violate these rules the offending account may be changed and/or the accounts may be sanctioned or suspended. Moreover, the administration reserves the right to delete, update or modify any names (player or clans) and avatars, images or clan images which are considered inappropriate on the forums or within the game environment.